Day 307 of ???: After being away for nearly 10 months, I found my way back home for a week that may have been worth another year in South Korea.
I hopped on a plane from Seoul to Austin at 8pm on December 22nd, just 4 hours after the semester's last day of school had ended. I flew back to South Korea at 6pm on New Year's Eve, arriving in Seoul just 24 hours before I had to be back at school again. I averaged 4 hours of sleep per night while I was home and I didn't eat at the same place twice. In short, I acted like I wasn't coming back for a while. It turns out I won't be. I'm staying to teach for a second year in South Korea. I made the final decision this week, but it's something that'd been on my mind for a while.
The idea of going home for vacation was a little strange to me, but to be honest, it may have been the best vacation I've ever had. I knew exactly what I wanted to do, where I wanted to eat and who I wanted to see. I brought 3 suitcases of Korean gifts home with me, and I took 170 lbs. of American goodness back to Korea. The fact that everything made it both ways intact is a small miracle. I was pretty efficient in my game of luggage Tetris too, especially in packing for the trip back to SK. After being away for so long, I was surprised at just how normal it felt to see my family and friends once again. They're people that you always expect to be there, so sometimes you forget how special they are. Only having 8 days to be with them, all the normal things we did together had much more meaning to me. Eating at Kerbey Lane with Isaac and the boys, hitting Plucker's with Jason and Robert, making a run to Barton Creek Mall with Philip and JC, doing Gordough's with Gilbert, and going to Westgate to see True Grit with the folks were all priceless, even if I was too jet lagged at times to express it. I even enjoyed the ordinary parts, like driving on Mopac, making Walmart runs and going to Howdy Honda to get the oil changed on my Civic. It was the same old Austin, just like I hoped it would be.
So the question now may be, "If Austin is so good, why not come back in March?". I think the simple answer is that I just don't feel like I'm done with Korea yet, or the other way around, or both. In many ways I've just begun to hit my stride here, and I think leaving in March would be too soon. It's like I've just hit 5th gear but now all of a sudden I have to exit the highway. I want to see where another year will take me. On one hand, that non-committal side of me dreads signing another 1 year contract, but on the other hand, that's what kept me in the grinder to persevere when things got tough during the first year. I made it through and I think I'm better for it. Having just seen everyone I care about so recently, they are very present in my thoughts and I miss them dearly, but at the same time I am excited to have this opportunity in SK continued.
Lastly, my deepest thanks to my family and those who care about me for your thoughts and prayers throughout this year. I'd be a fool to think that I got by solely on my own natural strength. If it wasn't for those prayers...and this magical think called the internet that allows me to stay in contact with many of you, I probably wouldn't have the guts to go on this adventure. I look forward to seeing what this next year has in store, as well as sharing it with whoever is reading this out there.
First blog of the new year done.
It was great seeing you again during your brief visit home. While I am sad that we won't be able to see each other on a regular basis, I am happy that you've decided to stay in South Korea for another year. I think you made the right decision. Here's to another year full of blogs with an asian slant. ;)