Well, I finally got out of my blogging funk, and all it took was seeing my favorite childhood super hero on the big screen to do it. You might be thinking to yourself, "Thor? Really? What about Superman, Spiderman...BATMAN??". Well it's true, I can remember drawing all 3 of those guys when I was 4 years old (and my mom still has the pictures to prove it), but those are the names everybody knows and associates with comics. By the time I was in 5th or 6th grade, I needed to choose a hero who wasn't "bandwagon", someone that proved to my friends I was legit, so I chose Thor. Why? Simply, because that's who my dad liked when he was a kid, and that hammer is wicked cool.
To the best of my knowledge, Thor was the first comic I ever collected monthly. It all started in 1989 with The Mighty Thor #411. In that issue, Loki breaks Juggernaut out of super villain jail to fight Thor, who is already wiped out from a previous battle with Doctor Doom. Juggernaut gets the upper hand and is about to lay the final blow when a mysterious group of heroes appears on the scene and saves the day...THE NEW WARRIORS! That issue was their first appearance as a super team, and they eventually went on to have their own book. Consequently, the 2006 version of the New Warriors triggers the event that leads to the Marvel Civil War, which eventually ends with the death of Captain America, who is getting his own movie this July! Calendar marked.
As for Thor (2011), I kept my expectations low. I've been a disappointed fan too many times over the years and I'm tired of getting hurt. To be honest, I was more excited that I was seeing the movie a week before everyone in the states than I actually was about the movie itself. Just like Iron Man 2 last year, I get to hold this over you guys for 7 whole days. I know y'all still have me beat with, you know, living in America and all that, but I'm still gonna celebrate this one. Anyway, the movie exceeded expectations. Far exceeded. I didn't know who Chris Hemsworth was before last night, but he embodied Thor perfectly. And by the way, I don't know if it was CG or not, but he was buff. Like, super jacked. The Spartans in 300 had nothing on him. Tom Hiddleston playing Loki was also perfect. Natalie Portman as Jane Foster didn't get on my nerves as she usually does, but can she please just stop being in fanboy films? They should have pulled her card after the prequels. Then you have Anthtony Hopkins as Odin. Nuf said. Throw in Heimdall, Lady Sif, the Warriors Three, certain Thor-related villians and some "special" cameo appearances, and it was another home run (in my opinion) for Marvel. My only two "personal observations" about the film were that 1.) they spent just a bit too much time telling the story of him as a mortal, and 2.) I wanted to see Baldur the Brave. Other than that, everything was really cool, especially watching it in 3D, which is something that has kind of been played out as of late, but it worked.
After the movie, every Korean filed out as soon as the credits started rolling. Once again I was the only one left in the theater. I know I've commented on this before, but it still makes me laugh that none of them stay for the end of the credits, especially for these movies when you know there's gonna be a little extra. Actually, one girl did come back in this time and sat back down halfway through the credits, staying until the end. I was thinking to myself, "Maybe she's the one!", but she peeled back out the second the final scene was over, before I'd even gotten out of my chair to go talk to her. Oh well. At least I know now that there's at least one Korean fangirl in Ansan. Now if only there was an LCS in the vicinity...
Grade: A- (fanboy bell curve)